Thursday, June 23, 2011

Night Night, Sleep Tight

Against my better judgment (for fear of jinxing myself), I am going to scream with excitement that for the past three nights, my son has slept NINE hours in a row!! We have laid him down in his crib at 9:00 p.m. and do not re-enter until 6:00 a.m. Hallelujah! The snoozing pixies have come and I do believe they are moving in to stay! Of course I have not slept for nine straight hours. I wake up at 2:00, then 4:00, then 5:00. I am sure that as soon as I start getting used to our new schedule, Gavin will change it up just to make sure Mommy is paying attention.

And I cannot take credit for these new found hours of slumber. As much as I would like to say it is because of my amazing motherly skills, I can't. No, it is all due to one small, little tiny extremity: his thumb. He has been trying for weeks to figure how to get that thing in his mouth. After many face scratches and tons of gumming his fists, he has finally perfected it. It has completely changed his world. He is now a master at thumb sucking. Each time I wake up, I roll over and look at him on the monitor. I keep expecting him to be tossing around and screaming his head off. But alas, he is fast asleep in his crib with that thumb in his mouth. He must wake up and as soon as his eyes open, he pops that sweet little finger in his mouth and sucks his way back to sleep.  I know that in the future I will be fighting with him to stop sucking it but for now, it means nights of blissful, uninterrupted sleep. Sweet, long forgotten sleep!

So content!

Lots of sleep makes a happy baby. And happy parents!
But we both still need our naps!

So good night dear friends. Hopefully tonight will mean another lengthy rest for my household. If not, I will know it is because I bragged too soon and I shall never share good news prematurely with you again!

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