Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gavin: 6 months

We have had so much going on, I did not get a chance to take Gavin's six month photo on the 1st of October. Did I say six months?? Oh my goodness, are you kidding me?? I remember back when I thought him being this old was so far away. And now here we are, enjoying all of the wonderful excitement of being six months old!!

Gavin is such a happy baby. He smiles at everyone that takes the time to stop and talk to him. He makes them feel so special when he looks up and gives them that wonderful grin topped off with those sparkling baby blues. Its all just the perfect combination of happiness.

Perfection at its finest
His thumb has become his best friend. At first I thought "Oh good! He only sucks it every once in a while. I might not have to battle him over this later down the road after all." Yeah, that was wishful thinking on my part. Just recently it has become a habit for him. He does it when he is tired, hungry, happy or just plain bored. He doesn't even have a preference; right or left, it doesn't matter. Just as long as its a thumb. Lovely. Oh well. Right now I am going to enjoy the fact that he can calm himself down in the car seat or settle down for a nap or night time on his own. The fighting can come later. Because honestly, my heart smiles every time I hear that slobbery sucking sound. It is adorable.

We have eating solid foods down to an art. It is still the messiest activity ever but I think that is why he loves it so much. He opens his mouth for more and is constantly trying to grab the spoon from me. He grabs everything now. Anything within reach is being crumbled and going in his mouth. Plants, my camera, coasters, pens, just to name a few items I have had to snatch from his grip and slobbery demise.

A coaster I snatched out of his mouth. But had to take a picture first, of course!

He wants to do everything on his own.
So things are very exciting in Gavin's world these days. Everyone has always told me that six months is fun and every month afterward it just gets better. I am a firm believer in those sentiments. Somethings are getting harder as he is learning to grab and becoming very well aware of his surroundings. But other things are so much fun. Like hearing his belly laugh when I play peek a boo with the wash cloth during bath time. Or watching his reaction to Chad imitating him sneezing. And when he falls asleep on my chest, he sucks his thumb on one hand and wraps the other around my neck. Oh my heart! Memories and moments I want to hold on to forever!

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