Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Together Kind of Christmas

This Christmas was so very special to us as Chad was going to be home to enjoy it with us. Last year he was deployed and it was tough celebrating separately. But the good Lord brought him home safely and we were more than ready to celebrate His birthday with Chad!

Gavin is still in those 'innocent years' where he doesn't quite get the whole presents under the tree, stockings stuffed and Santa coming. The first thing he was excited about was the fact that we were actually putting a tree in our living room. "It gets to stay with us??" He loved putting the ornaments on the tree and all the lights outside. I do have to say that one of his favorite things was the nativity scene. He absolutely loved playing with that. He would rearrange the characters and always ask me if he could 'pet' Baby Jesus. When he asked me what kind of animal the donkey was, my response of 'donkey' was not the correct answer. He looked right at me and said "No, Mama, that is Maverick." Apparently my brother's dog was present at the birth of Jesus.

Gavin felt like EVERYONE needed to be in the stable.

Chad's parents came for a long weekend. Our time with them was a little delayed due to a snow storm that blew through. And I mean, a MAJOR snow storm! Our house was covered in snow. Everything was so pretty! Chad and Gavin even made a snowman. I could not get Gavin to come inside. He wanted to stay out there for as long as daddy was going to let him.

Silly Daddy

Our cadet snowman
But Chad's parents were able to make it the very next weekend and we had a blast! It was the first time we had company in our new home. Gavin thought it was so cool that they were sleeping upstairs. (He thinks going upstairs is the coolest thing ever.) It was so nice having them around because Chad was recovering from hernia surgery and they were such a huge help to us. We went and saw Christmas lights, went to Chad's work and saw Santa fly in in a helicopter and of course got to open up a few presents. This was especially great for Gavin as he had been looking at presents under the tree for days and was so confused as to why he could not open them.

The week of Christmas my parents, my brother and my grandmother came to be with us. Their trip was delayed as well but only by a day. We had so much fun with so many people in the house. Some people might find it stressful or aggravating to have family all under one roof. But we loved it. I didn't think a week was long enough. Gavin certainly didn't. He was spoiled the minute my mom and grandmother got off that plane until they got back on. My Florida family was very much enjoying the colder weather we have here. Well, except for my grandmother who thinks anything below 65 is 'freezing'.

Gavin was a very happy little boy when he woke up Christmas morning. He discovered his very own kitchen in the living room. My boy LOOOOVES to play in kitchens. Whenever he goes to the church or over to a friend's house, he beelines it for those play kitchens. He was and still is one happy little boy over that one. Of course between my parents and Chad and me, Gavin was completely spoiled with presents. He had a pile of them. He didn't know which one to open first, second or last. He got new clothes, bath toys, and tons, I mean TONS of Mickey stuff. I really will have a little crack in my heart the day he decides he is too old for Mickey. He is truly Gavin's first best friend.

So our holidays went exactly as we wanted them. We had some beautiful snow to play in, a wonderful house to celebrate in, our family to share it all with . We are very blessed and so thankful for all we have been given and pray it continues. Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

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