Tuesday, August 9, 2011

NeeNee and PeePee Visit

Chad's parents came for a visit last weekend. They have not seen Gavin since he was born so they were in for quite a shock when they saw him. The last time they were here he slept all the time and I was always crying. So this visit was a lot more enjoyable to say the least. Even though it was so unbelievably hot (40 plus days of triple digit weather- we are OVER IT!), we made the most of our time together. I am so thankful to have such wonderful in-laws. We really enjoyed their visit and miss them so much. They were so sweet and baby sat Gavin one night so that Chad and I could have a date night. We went to dinner and a movie and had the best time. Even though it took a little getting used to the fact that Gavin wasn't with us, it was a perfect night. So perfect in fact that it actually rained that evening!

We enjoyed downtown Oklahoma City, went to the Memorial Museum, visited the botanical observatory, toured Chad's office and Sue and I actually got a little shopping in. It was a great weekend. We really love being in Oklahoma but being away from our families is so hard. Especially since Gavin arrived. We were so appreciative that his parents came out here. It is not an easy drive but we were glad they made the trip. We look forward to seeing all of his family over the Thanksgiving holidays. Gavin is such a lucky little guy to have the grandparents that he does. They will spoil him rotten and I love that.

Just chillin on a plane with daddy

Gavin in the cockpit of one of daddy's planes    

Gavin and PeePee

Gavin and NeeNee

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