Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Gavin: 4 Months

Four months old!
Just when I get used to telling people he is three months old, Gavin is turning over another month. We had his four month check up this morning. I have been dreading it all weekend. Chad took Gavin for his first shots because I totally wimped out and stayed home. So this time I had to "man up" and be a mom. Wouldn't you know, he was in THE best mood this morning. He was all smiles when I got him out of his crib, he talked and talked to everything that would listen and was ready to take on the day. Little did he know what was on the schedule for him. When we got to the doctor's office, I was filling out the paper work and I was so proud of him. I checked "yes" on almost all of the questions about his progress. Is he holding his head up? Yes. Is he grabbing things? Yes. Is he squealing and smiling? Most definitely. The ones that were "nos" were positive. Has he been to the hospital for any emergencies? No. How many times does he wake up at night? None! He's just an all-around perfect little boy.

He weighs 13 pounds 15 ounces and is 26 inches long. He is in the 90th percentile for length! High five, Gavin! After all of the fun comments and good news on his growth and progress, the dreaded time for shots came. I took a deep breath and silently told myself it is for his own good and me crying will not help him at all. I was completely pumped up to be the brave mommy Gavin needed me to be until the nurse informed me I had to hold his hands down. Wait, what?? I have to actually AID you in giving him shots. Lady, I'm doing good by just showing up. Now you want me to help?? I was picturing more of me cowering in the corner while he screamed and when you are done, you could just hand him to me and we could both just cry it out together. There are eight nurses walking around out there. Let's just call one of them in here and get this over with so I can go buy myself an ice cream for being a good girl when its over. In the end, I did hold his arms down and yes, I cried like I just saw Julia Roberts die for the first time in Steel Magnolias. I knew it was bad when the nurse was still comforting me and Gavin was dry-eyed and ready to go. But it was over in seconds and Gavin did as good as a little boy could when dealing with needles. I hate he even has to go through it. I mean, isn't this the age of major advances in the medical field? Shouldn't we be administering this stuff in cherry flavored lollipops by now? Didn't someone invent a sticker that allows your skin to just absorb the necessary vaccines? That sounds completely plausible to me. We have iPads and 3D television. Where are the vaccine stickers???

So the doctors visit was a success and we got all good reports on him. Gavin is so much fun right now. His personality shows more and more every day and I am happy to report that it looks like he will be a very happy and very loving child. He is certainly loved by his parents. He makes us so proud!


  1. I'm all caught up with the last few blogs and I loved all of them. Thank you for sharing this with me. Hugs and Kisses!


  2. Claire, this was CRACKING me up! I took Addy for her 18 mo appointment this week, and this was the first time she got super-duper upset, so it was hard on me. I totally feel your pain! Good job for hanging in there, mama!
