I won't bore you with all the meaningless details but this last trip home has made me very thankful we are not going anywhere until Thanksgiving. Chad had to fly to Austin to work for his Guard unit so that meant I was traveling solo with The Monster. Let's just say a squirmy child with a dirty diaper that he had to endure for an hour, me trying to use the bathroom with him strapped to my chest and a plane delay were all events that made this my last trip for awhile. I do enjoy traveling and I am very thankful that Gavin is an easy travel companion but it is nice to be home and back on a schedule. Not to mention, my wine collection cannot take another hit like it did last night when I got home.
Leslie and Mike with Gavin. |
Gavin and Sock Monkey. He saw this in the store and almost lunged out of Chad's arms for it. He LOVES him. |
He wants to walk so bad! |
Mommy and Gavin. Yeah so I went ahead and cut my hair again. I will compromise with Chad on something else... |
The Mihalek boys. |
Leslie and I enjoying some Tecate in Las Cruces |
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