Friday, October 21, 2011

Shutter Bug

I have been going nuts with Gavin and my camera. I figured that I might as well go ahead and take all the pictures I can while he is still immobile. I know once he starts crawling his posing days are over. Right now the only thing I have to fight him on is getting his thumb out of his mouth. It is seriously his best friend. I can't waist such a perfectly adorable little subject!! His smile is so infectious and he can hardly contain it when we are outside. The weather has been wonderful here the last week. Those hot summer days are far behind us. Finally! So enjoy a few of my captured moments with Gavin. I am sure I will have plenty more to show you in the next few days.

Who is that handsome young man?

I finally got him to eat bananas. As you can see he is still figuring out if he likes them. Silly boy.

All dressed up to go on a lunch date with Mommy.

Heehee- this hat is adorable.

Such a happy little monster

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