Sunday, November 13, 2011

Blessed is He

This morning was a very special morning for Gavin. Today he took his first step on his spiritual journey by getting baptized. We were so excited for him and the whole ceremony was wonderful. Chad and I did not intend to wait so long to have this done. However, we wanted to be very diligent in finding a church home here in Edmond. We felt that finding the right church was very important not only for us, but especially for Gavin. We discovered that the right fit for us as a family was Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. After getting to know Pastor Huss and meeting a few of the church members, we decided it was definitely time to have Gavin baptized. Of course the ideal time would have been to have our families here to enjoy this special day with us but that was not something we could plan in the immediate present. So after promising the grandparents that plenty of pictures would be taken, we settled on today, November 13, 2011 to be Gavin's special day.

And he did wonderful! He smiled at Pastor Huss while he blessed Gavin and even began laughing at him when he was blessing his head. He had the whole congregation laughing. It was all just perfect. An eighty year old woman in the church even made Gavin a special banner for the occasion. After the service, everyone came up and congratulated Gavin. I knew in that moment that we had made the right choice in choosing Holy Trinity as our home in faith. I am thrilled to be able to teach Gavin about God's love for him. I want him to grow up having a strong relationship with Him and trusting in prayer. As Gavin's parents, I truly believe that is one of the most wonderful gifts we can give him.

Gavin's baptism banner

Getting blessed by Pastor Huss

Getting baptized

Daddy lighting the baptism candle
Us with Pastor Huss

Gavin's baptism candle and blessing cloth


  1. Congratulations sweet Gavin!!! What a special day for your little man! Loved seeing the pictures and love you!

  2. I was wondering about Gavin's special day comment on FB. Now it all make sense. :-)

    I'm happy for you guys!!!!!!

