Friday, November 4, 2011

One Proud Mama

As I have told you before, I absolutely hate getting shots. But what I hate even more is having to take Gavin to get them. If I know he has a doctor's appointment, it consumes my thoughts that entire day. I know, it is ridiculous. I am supposed to be the mother, not the child. But I just really hate it. So needless to say I have been dreading today all week. I had to take Gavin back to get his booster shot. I thought I was in the clear for a few months after our trip to the doctor last month. But nooooo. I had to bring him in today to get his second round of flu shots. Ugh!

So we got up this morning and had so much fun playing and loving the brand new day we were given. However, the imminent errand we had to take was forever in the back of my mind. I was so upset about it, I had to go buy myself a new scarf. (I did feel a smidgen better!) Anyways, the time came and we headed to the doctor. I do have to say that I absolutely LOVE Dr. Maschino. She is wonderful with Gavin and always takes the time to sit and chat with me during our visits. So we were whisked to the back and before I knew it, they were telling me to hold his hands down (and we all know how much I adore that) and bam! The shot was in. My sweet, wonderful, perfect little boy taught me the biggest lesson today. And that lesson is that I am a complete and total WIMP! That child screamed when the shot was given and by the time I had him in my arms, he was right as rain. I can't even say he cried because it didn't last long enough for any tears to fall. Of course that initial pinch probably didn't feel good, hence the loud but short lived scream. But that was it. As soon as I had him dressed, he was doling out smiles to everyone in the office.

You worry over and want so bad to teach your children all the right morals and lessons in life. And somewhere, on an ordinary Friday, they end up teaching you something that they didn't even think twice about it. Today my son taught me that he is way tougher and stronger than I give him credit for. The next time I have to take him to get shots, I will not worry over any of it until he gives me a reason to. Because I know he can handle it and if he can't, then I will be there to help him. (Of course, I might still need to go shopping to make myself feel better!)

My brave little soldier playing this morning

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