Ok, I would like to know who is pushing the fast forward button on my son's developmental skills because he is learning new tricks by the minute these days. As you can see, he is sitting up on his own very well. Which means crawling is in the not too distant future. He talks constantly now. Blah, blah, blah, blah. And when I talk jibberish back to him, he just smiles and nods and laughs like he knows exactly what I am saying. We have a full blown conversation full of b's and random vowels. I can't shovel spoonfuls of solid food in his mouth fast enough. I put a gob of butternut squash in his mouth and before I can even get a new scoop, he is already opening his mouth for the next bite. What a growing baby boy! Still no sign of any teeth. I keep thinking one is going to pop through any day now but his gums are still smooth and toothless. He plays with my hair when he starts getting tired. He just twirls it around and lays his head on my shoulder. I just know that giving hugs is right around the corner. Oh I am not sure my heart will be able to handle such a wonderful feeling! I can't wait! Everywhere we go people ALWAYS comment on his eyes and I will never, ever tire of hearing it. When I was pregnant I prayed to God that Gavin would have his daddy's eyes. And oh my goodness, did He deliver! I feel like they grow with him. Every day they get bigger and brighter. I will never take for granted what a lucky mother I am.
What a beautiful smile! |
Wow! Seven months already???? Time sure is flying by huh?