Friday, December 2, 2011

Gavin: 8 Months

Gavin is growing so fast. Not only in size but in every other aspect too. I can't seem to make it stop!! The inner struggle of all mothers: the excitement of seeing your child grow but always wanting them to stay babies.

Right now we are struggling with those pesky teeth. The top front two look like they are going to pop through any day now. He wakes up at least once during the night but after he gets a bottle or a clean diaper I can rock him back to sleep. I can't really complain too much about the teething. It could be worse. I am sure Gavin might have something else to say about the whole thing but he is taking it like a champ.

His new favorite thing is to take anything he has grasped in his hands and slam it up and down on the floor or whatever else solid surface he can find. It is the simplest little act but it is so adorable to me. When he does it in the bathtub he splashes water everywhere and he thinks it is hilarious. I just love it! Of course it won't be too precious when he does it with something valuable but until then, I will enjoy it.

You can see the wheels turning in his head when it comes to getting the crawling down. He tries so hard to figure it all out. Where to put his hands, his feet, his knees and his head. At the moment he puts them all in the wrong place at the wrong time. And of course I tell him he is doing it all right because I am not ready for him to learn. He knows I am lying and keeps trying. Such a smart boy. He sees right through Mommy's lame sabotage tactics.

He looks like a little Who from Whoville
Going exercising with Mommy

So our sweet baby boy is steadily making his way to not being such a baby anymore. I do secretly wish he wouldn't grow up so fast but I am thankful he is healthy and growing. I am so excited to see the boy he will become. After all, he will always be my baby.

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