Monday, November 28, 2011

A Week in Tennessee

One of the great things about Chad's new job (I say 'new', we have been in Oklahoma for almost a year. Crazy!) is that it is a lot easier for him to take time off during the holidays. He was able to get the whole week of Thanksgiving off (and Christmas too!) so we headed to Tennessee last weekend. It is a good 12 hour drive so we broke it up into two days of six hour driving. As in pretty much anything, Gavin did great. He either slept or played the whole time we were in the car. Once again making his mommy and daddy so proud of him!

Beautiful baby blues
It was so wonderful having Chad for a whole week and getting to spend time with his family is always a treat. NeeNee put up the Christmas tree so Gavin could see it while he was there. We visited with some of Chad's high school friends and did some work over at the house that we are desperately trying to sell. NeeNee and PP took us to the Opryland Hotel to see all of the Christmas lights. It was so fun getting into the holiday spirit! We went to church with NeeNee so she could show off Gavin and even got some shopping done. It was a great little vacation. I sure do miss all of the extra hands that were readily available to help me out with Gavin but it will be nice to get him back into his regular routine.

Gavin had so much fun with his NeeNee

NeeNee singing him songs- he loved it!

PP showing him how to ride the lawnmower

This kitty LOVED Gavin!

Finally starting to get some chunk- look at those legs!!

He loved that Christmas tree!
Wearing our Superman shirt especially for Uncle David

Oh my heart!

At the Opryland Hotel with Daddy

So fascinated with the waterfall

I love Christmas lights

Opryland Hotel lights

All sorts of new toys at NeeNee and PP's
We made it home yesterday and the holiday weather is in full gear in Oklahoma. It was 25 degrees this morning and my flower pots were covered in ice. Brrr! Now it is time to hang up the stockings, turn on the holiday tunes and remember the reason for the season!

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