Saturday, October 22, 2011

Pumpkin Chunkin

Yes, there is such a thing. I witnessed it. And really, it was disappointing. There was a Pumpkin Palooza at a local park this afternoon and they had a pumpkin chunking contest. It is a catapult that literally chunks pumpkins. However, I am pretty sure they are supposed to be hurled into the air for at least a small amount of time. These didn't even make it in the air. They went straight to the ground. I guess the best way of looking at it is no pumpkins were harmed during these exercises. Even though the chunking of pumpkins was a disappointment, Gavin and I had a good time. Gavin loved watching all the little kids playing in their funny costumes. I was watching all of them running around and screaming and suddenly needed to sit down because I was staring at my future and getting extremely exhausted. I think I will enjoy getting to hold him a little while longer...


1 comment:

  1. Love all his photos! Such a sweetie!

    Love ya Claire.

