Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Aunt D Comes for a Visit

One of my best friends flew out last week to spend the Halloween weekend with us. I cannot tell you how much I needed to have some girlfriend time. I was so grateful that Danielle made the trip out here. The weather could not have been more perfect for her visit. The leaves are starting to change colors and the sky was a gorgeous blue all weekend long. We went to the zoo; we had a girl's night out in Bricktown (downtown OKC); we visited the Oklahoma City Memorial; we shopped; we did it all. We had a busy schedule and it was so much fun doing all of it. My camera needs a vacation from all the work it has done these last few days. Here are a few of my favorite moments:

Welcoming Aunt D to Oklahoma

Loving all the pretty fall colors
At the zoo with Aunt D
Enjoying the wonderful weather
Gavin and Mommy (we were having family Christmas pictures taken- hence the reindeer hat!)

at the OKC Memorial- the trees are just gorgeous!!

Danielle and Gavin at the Memorial entrance

We had some 'candy' of our own- wine and frozen grapes!
Thanks again, Danielle, for coming out to visit us. Thank you so much for all of the help with Gavin. (And a big thank you to my husband for watching Gavin and giving Danielle and I some girl time.) We enjoyed having you and you always have a place to stay in Oklahoma!

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