Sunday, November 27, 2011

Gavin's First Thanksgiving

My family
I have always enjoyed Thanksgiving. Some people see it as a stressful time of year when getting together with family can be hectic and having it over with is better than getting it started. I have never seen it that way. I have been so blessed with a wonderful family. My aunt, uncle and cousins always come over to my parent's house and we spend the day either inside the house preparing dinner or sitting out by the pond and enjoying everyone's company. We gather around the table, thank the good Lord for each other and devour a well prepared meal. At the end of the day we are full of food and family. It can't get any better than that. Or so I thought.

Now I have a family of my own and I have so much more to be thankful for. A beautiful, healthy son and a husband that treats me well beyond what I deserve. This year we spent Thanksgiving with Chad's family and it was just as wonderful as all the holidays before. Chad's brother and his family joined us at his parent's house. We tossed the football around the yard, enjoyed each other's company and ate a delicious meal. I kept looking around to see if Norman Rockwell was anywhere trying to paint our Thanksgiving day. It was pretty near perfect.

Enjoying some yummy Thanksgiving sweet potatoes

Gavin met his cousins, Beau and Cade, for the first time. They were very fascinated by "Baby Gavin" as they call him. They wanted to watch him take a bath and share their toys with him. They even managed to stay still long enough so we could get pictures of all three boys together. 

Getting them to all smile and look at the camera together was a chore. One we did not accomplish.

Watching 'Baby Gavin' get his bath
So I am happy to write that Gavin's first Thanksgiving was just wonderful. He enjoyed being with his Mihalek side of the family. He entertained his NeeNee and PP all week and was a big hit with his cousins. He is certainly one blessed little boy. As for me, my belly is stuffed and my heart is full.

Mommy's Little Turkey

1 comment:

  1. Reading your thanksgiving story makes me feel like I was right there with ya! Love ALL the pics of course!!!! Can't ever get enough pictures of that cutie pie!

    Kim Barber
